Site conditions, Massing and orientation, Basic envelope attributes, Lighting levels, Thermal comfort ranges, Plug and process load needs
Active Solar, Light and Human Vision, Daylighting Design Principles, Daylight Simulations, Visual Comfort, Electric Lighting and Occupant Behavior.
Thermal Mass and Heat Flow, Insulation and Window Technologies, Shading and Integrated Façade Design, Ventilation, Internal Gains and Load Calculations, Heating, Cooling, and Ventilation.
Provide building performance-related documentation for compliance with green rating systems (LEED, WELL, BREEAM, GREEN MARK) and energy codes.
Submittal of application to the BCA upon finalisation of building design. Undertake an audit to give the project team a better understanding of the criteria and evaluation of certified level.
Fundamental purpose to direct planning and decision-making towards sustainability. Determine which credits are appropriate for the development.
Providing design inputs in-line with the certification requirements. Incorporating rating requirements into tender specifications. Coordinating with various stakeholders and the certifying authority.
The goal of Assessment is to quantify the environmental performance of a building in terms of environmental impact and aspects.
Life-Cycle stages. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol
Quantification of Operational Energy
Quantification of Operational Water
Use of Environmental Product Declarations (EPD)
Environmental impacts and aspects
Resources used, Biogenic carbon content
Indicators for waste and recycling
System boundaries and Scenarios
Data sources, List of indicators and results.